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Crucian Carp

Common name: Crucian Carp
Latin name: Carassius carassius
Family: Cyprinidae
Current UK Rod Caught Coarse Fish Record Crucian Carp (Carassius carassius) 4lb 12oz Julian Barnes, Johnson's Lake Surrey 2021

Description and habitat of Crucian Carp:
The Crucian Carp (Carassius carassius) is amongst the smallest members of the family Cyprinidae, which includes other fish such as the Common Carp. Although of the same family as the Common Carp, the Crucian Carp is different in that it doesn't have barbules and rarely reaches a weight above 3.5lb (1.58 kg). Crucian Carp vary in colour from gold to bronze but mainly have a brownish colouring across the back with gold or greyish green sides leading down to a yellowish or white belly. They usually have a very rounded body with a covering of small scales in an even pattern and the reddish fins of the Crucian are rounded with a convex dorsal fin.
I have read that Crucian Carp can often interbreed with the Common, Mirror or Leather Carp which can present the angler with some confusion to the identity of the fish. It is believed to have been imported from Germany around the 18th century. The Crucian Carp is a very hardy and extremely adaptable fish able to survive in ponds and lakes with poor water quality with little oxygen that would prove fatal to most other species. They spawn mainly on water plants around the months of May to June. The eggs hatch within a week but the fish stay attached to the plants for two or three days to feed on the yolk sack before swimming off. When they are older they usually swim in shoals of fish of around the same age and weight.
Natural food of the Crucian Carp include insect larvae, small crustaceans, zooplankton and fauna. Although mainly a bottom feeder, The Crucian Carp will feed at all levels and are often seen taking small insects from the surface of the water during sunny days.

Fishing Methods for catching Crucian Carp:
As with all fish, Crucian Carp can be caught using all methods of angling including float, ledger or feeder but the float seems best by far. Light tackle is the order of the day fished on or just off the bottom near reeds or around surface plants.
When fishing using Caster as bait, hooked through the end; if you get bites but upon striking you find the Crucian Carp has left you with an empty half shell try burying the hook totally inside the caster. Darker casters are more buoyant in the water, so choose the darker caster to balance out the weight of the hook. This makes the hooked caster fall through the water more naturally at the same rate as your loose feed.
Heavy groundbaiting or pre-baiting with groundbait is unnecessary. It is best to feed groundbait sparingly if you do use it and use a fine groundbait to cause a 'cloud' in the water. A very small piece of bread flake squeezed onto a size 16 hook can often produce good results. Don't squeeze the flake onto the hook too hard because you want little bits to flake off to tempt the fish and if you retrieve your float and the bread is still on the hook you've squeezed it on to tightly!

Baits for catching Crucian Carp:
The most common baits to catch Crucian Carp on are maggots, casters, bread (either punch, flake or paste), pinkies, small red worm, brandlings, bloodworm, sweetcorn, small pieces of cheese and small pieces of diced luncheon meat.